Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy 19th Birthday Sean!!
I am super blessed! My family wanted to take me out for my birthday but I was driving home from a hockey trip last Monday. I know I could have went out during the week but I was tired and Cody was getting ready to go to Civil Air Patrol camp. I did go out with a friend on Saturday and we spent most of the day just enjoying each other's company. And other friends are still wanting to take me out for my birthday. I will go out with them but it is not about me.....

I wanted to bless my son Sean today! I have prayed for that boy for a long time. I have cried buckets of tears for him and have been blessed many times by him. We've been through a lot together over the years. God gave me the scripture Jer. 29:11 last year. He wanted me to trust that HE had great plans for Sean. So I started trusting HIM with Sean's future. I am amazed!

Nineteen years ago my heart was bursting with love for the sweet boy with the big brown eyes they placed in my arms. Tonight, my heart is overflowing with love and pride all over again. I love the man God is sculpting Sean into. I love his curls, his sweet mischievous smile. I love when he comes over and gets his brothers and they all drive off to play baseball or hockey or whatever. I love that he is being responsible for his own life. I just plain and simple love my boy.

We took Sean out to eat tonight. We missed Cody not being with us but other than that we had our whole family together. It was nice sitting across from my son just sharing a meal and some laughs with him. We had told the waitress it was his birthday. Towards the end of our meal they brought out a saddle and had him sit on it while they sang to him. It was priceless! It was such an all around special night.

You see, no matter how I could have chosen to "celebrate" my birthday last Monday, it would have never been as special as this. I am glad I didn't go out. I am glad Sean had this time to himself. He knows he is loved. He knows he is special.

Thank YOU for blessing me with that big brown eyed baby boy 19 years ago. I can't wait to see what the next 19 years brings.

****an added blessing was that Sean's sister Randi is 11 weeks pregnant today. She went to see her new doctor today and she heard a very strong heartbeat! Praise God!

****and just when I thought the day couldn't not get any better, Cody texted me to let me know he was doing well at camp. I am so stinkin' proud of him, too. He is on staff at this camp. That is such a privilege for him to be able to have this position and enjoy it.

I am so full of emotion right now. I need to just sit here and let it all soak in. I think I will count my many blessings and name them one by one. Count them and see what God has done! Wow!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Blessed birthday weekend!

Happy Birthday to me!
I am so very blessed. My birthday was coming up and people asked me what I wanted to do. Well, I couldn't think of a thing I wanted to do. A couple weeks ago I found out about a hockey tournament my son Niklas could play in. It was in McAllen. Whew! That is a long way from San Angelo. I decided, though, that it might be fun to meet some new people (from Austin) and see his friend Zach (goalie) who Niklas used to play hockey with.
Do I regret my decision? NO! I could have stayed home and went out with friends and slept in every day :) I could have done many things. I am glad I took two of my boys, Cody and Niklas and spent the weekend in McAllen. For one, it is always fun to watch one of my boys play hockey. And we did make some awesome new friends. And we got to see old friends again. But the number one blessing was that my boys and I had a great time together! From driving that long drive (7 hrs) there and driving that long drive back and everything between, it was a blessed time.
We all know it is not all fun living with teens. I love my boys and just prayed that we would have a super blessed time. And HE answered that prayer in a mighty way. We just enjoyed each other. They sang and made me smile on the drive to and from. I sang and made them cringe :) They swam with friends. We swam together. We had a bbq with the team. We watched a movie together. Oh alright, we started to watch a movie together. They lasted through the whole thing. I didn't. They played with their friends on the beach at South Padre. They laughed at me when I sat in the water for two hours looking for shells.
I am blessed. I am praying for many more good times with my boys. Thank YOU for answering my prayers. I am super blessed. What a birthday!