Friday, June 7, 2013

IF I JUST HAD ONE DAY................

So I have been thinking about this all week.  What if I only had a day left?  How would I spend it?  So many things came to mind.
 1.   I would have one more conversation with Grannie.  Oh how I miss her smile, her love, her hugs.  Dang, I miss everything about her!!
 2.   I would spend time with my mother-in-law, just talking!  I miss our talks.
 3.   I would go see my Grandma.  Just one more time I would like to see her face and tell her I love her. She is 89 now.
 4.   I would spend the afternoon with my friend Lucille.  Oh how I miss our late night phone conversations.  What a great friend.  (She is the same age as my Grandma).  
 5.   I would sit outside with Terry and laugh about the boys.  Oh we had some good laughs.  I wish I could hear his voice again.
 6.   I would have lunch with my friend Arlelle.  She has been a blessing in my life for over 16 years.  Why do we always say one day we will get together but never make the time for it?
 7.   Time with my friend Judy would be nice.  Just sharing pictures of our beautiful grand babies.  I hardly ever see Judy but I know she is there for me always.  
 8.   Would I go to the beach (Morro Bay) with my boys and watch them play?  Oh yes I would!!  Just me and them and the water and all of God's creation.  
 9.   I do believe I would spend some time with my sweet friend Linda Bell.  Her smile just makes me smile.  And she loves me just the way I am.
10.  I would (if I could) have one more day with my Grandpa Schnaubelt.  He loved me so much and I knew it.  Maybe we could have one more breakfast together and he could make me strawberry cream waffles.  Maybe we could have lunch at the Chinese buffet!
11.  Or maybe I could have my Grandma back for a day.  I wish I could hear her giggle.  
12.  Could I have one more Thursday night with my sweet friend Nancy?  I want her to tell me one more time how Jesus really, really loves me.  
13.  Maybe I could go to El Paso and see my precious friends Dodie and Bea.  I miss them very much.  Will I ever see them again?  Just one afternoon visiting and laughing with them sounds good.
14.  Chines buffet for lunch with Katherine.  Yeah!  So thankful we met through hockey.
15.  Time with Dawn-Marie....even if it is at a hockey game!!  So blessed our paths crossed through hockey!!
16.  Just one party for all my friends.  Just relaxing and visiting.  Life always seems too rushed for that.  Susan Counts, Tammy O'Neal, Helen Shanafelt, Priscilla Hernandez, Sharie Morris and many, many more!!
17.  How about a CBS get together?  Libby, Linda F., Sandy P., Linda Bell, Arlelle, Judy,  Sue M., Judy, Laura K., Dinah and Robyn.  How about it Laura Gillis and Dana Dickens and all the ones who were there for the boys?
18.  A whole afternoon with my friend Yvonne Castillo.  One day we will get together.  One day.  How many years will we keep saying that?
19.  Katherine Jacobs, can we talk?  Oh how I have missed you over the years.
20.  I would take Cooper and just enjoy every single minute with him.  Just taking all of him in and seeing things through his eyes.  
21.  I would spend time with Layla and find ways to make her laugh.  I love her giggle.  It makes me smile.
22.  One more time in Juarez.  I want to bless the people there one more time.  I miss my friends there so much!
23.  I would make sure to thank Steve C., Willie, Mike H., Brad H., Steve W., and Drew W.   and Paul B. for investing in my boys.  And that would just be a start.  So many others!
24.  Run more trip to Juarez with Brad Hixon.  Oh how my life has changed because of those trips.
25.  Why didn't I spend one more time in KidStuf last year?  Could I have that back for one Sunday?  I want to see Mrs. F.   I want to hear Jill's voice one more time.
25.  I would take a ride around Marfa with Sean.  Just me and him.  When was the last time it was just me and him?
26.  I would take all my boys to an ice rink and watch them play hockey.  And watch them and watch them and....   
27.  One long overdue talk with Randi.  No interruptions!!  Yes, please just one.  Why do we put things off?
28.  Misty Lawrence!!  This would be the day to go visit.  Just a relaxed day.  Those few visits we have had have been so fun.  
29.  One afternoon with my friend Gwyn.  Just one. Laughter is good for the soul!
30.  I would have all my kids together and take lots of pictures!  I know they love each other but why don't we make time to be together?
31.  I would get Cooper and Layla and watch them with their PaPa.  He loves them so much and I love seeing the look on his face when he is with them.  Priceless!
32.  Pray with Willie!  That would be a must!  
33.  Could I have my friend Patsy back for the day?  What a breath of fresh air she was in my life!!  Just to hear her laugh again would be a blessing.

Oh I know there are so many more things I would do.  Just too tired to think right now. Guess I will post more later.......
So thankful for all the people God has put in my life.  So thankful HE has given me one more day.  Looks like I have a lot to do now doesn't it?

Monday, April 2, 2012

Today is my mother-in-law's birthday. She would have been 75. This is the second birthday she has been gone. Today I remembered the two birthdays she spent here in San Angelo. I had so much fun celebrating with her.

Well, today she got the perfect present. Her grandson, Cody, promoted to Major in the Civil Air Patrol. She lived here when he first promoted to officer (2nd Lt.). She was so proud of him. So proud, that, she took his certificate and had it framed. He has had two more promotions since then. I didn't realize til just a few minutes ago how special this is. Normally he would have had the promotion last week but, Cody received an award from the All Veterans Council two weeks ago. So we pushed everything back a week. Which brings us to today. Cody received his promotion on his Grannie's birthday. That was no accident. So proud of him.

And even though I am in tears right now, I am so blessed. Proud of my boy and remembering how proud his Grannie was of him.

God says in Jeremiah 29:11 that HE has great plans for us. I believe it and I am so thankful for times like today where HE says, "see, look how much I love you!"


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy 12th Birthday Connor

Today Connor, at 12:34pm, Connor turned 12!!! It is so hard to believe. I love that boy! I had to wait 38 years to get him but he was well worth the wait. He has been a huge blessing in my life. I love his sweet heart, his precious smile and his wonderful sense of humor.
Today was spent running all day. We enjoyed lunch together and did some shopping. I think he was pleasantly surprised with the "big" gift he got. I always think of him as my baby but I know he is growing up. I want him to stay my baby but I also can't wait to see what God has planned for him.

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!!! Thank you for letting me be your momma! I love you lots!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy 19th Birthday Sean!!
I am super blessed! My family wanted to take me out for my birthday but I was driving home from a hockey trip last Monday. I know I could have went out during the week but I was tired and Cody was getting ready to go to Civil Air Patrol camp. I did go out with a friend on Saturday and we spent most of the day just enjoying each other's company. And other friends are still wanting to take me out for my birthday. I will go out with them but it is not about me.....

I wanted to bless my son Sean today! I have prayed for that boy for a long time. I have cried buckets of tears for him and have been blessed many times by him. We've been through a lot together over the years. God gave me the scripture Jer. 29:11 last year. He wanted me to trust that HE had great plans for Sean. So I started trusting HIM with Sean's future. I am amazed!

Nineteen years ago my heart was bursting with love for the sweet boy with the big brown eyes they placed in my arms. Tonight, my heart is overflowing with love and pride all over again. I love the man God is sculpting Sean into. I love his curls, his sweet mischievous smile. I love when he comes over and gets his brothers and they all drive off to play baseball or hockey or whatever. I love that he is being responsible for his own life. I just plain and simple love my boy.

We took Sean out to eat tonight. We missed Cody not being with us but other than that we had our whole family together. It was nice sitting across from my son just sharing a meal and some laughs with him. We had told the waitress it was his birthday. Towards the end of our meal they brought out a saddle and had him sit on it while they sang to him. It was priceless! It was such an all around special night.

You see, no matter how I could have chosen to "celebrate" my birthday last Monday, it would have never been as special as this. I am glad I didn't go out. I am glad Sean had this time to himself. He knows he is loved. He knows he is special.

Thank YOU for blessing me with that big brown eyed baby boy 19 years ago. I can't wait to see what the next 19 years brings.

****an added blessing was that Sean's sister Randi is 11 weeks pregnant today. She went to see her new doctor today and she heard a very strong heartbeat! Praise God!

****and just when I thought the day couldn't not get any better, Cody texted me to let me know he was doing well at camp. I am so stinkin' proud of him, too. He is on staff at this camp. That is such a privilege for him to be able to have this position and enjoy it.

I am so full of emotion right now. I need to just sit here and let it all soak in. I think I will count my many blessings and name them one by one. Count them and see what God has done! Wow!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Blessed birthday weekend!

Happy Birthday to me!
I am so very blessed. My birthday was coming up and people asked me what I wanted to do. Well, I couldn't think of a thing I wanted to do. A couple weeks ago I found out about a hockey tournament my son Niklas could play in. It was in McAllen. Whew! That is a long way from San Angelo. I decided, though, that it might be fun to meet some new people (from Austin) and see his friend Zach (goalie) who Niklas used to play hockey with.
Do I regret my decision? NO! I could have stayed home and went out with friends and slept in every day :) I could have done many things. I am glad I took two of my boys, Cody and Niklas and spent the weekend in McAllen. For one, it is always fun to watch one of my boys play hockey. And we did make some awesome new friends. And we got to see old friends again. But the number one blessing was that my boys and I had a great time together! From driving that long drive (7 hrs) there and driving that long drive back and everything between, it was a blessed time.
We all know it is not all fun living with teens. I love my boys and just prayed that we would have a super blessed time. And HE answered that prayer in a mighty way. We just enjoyed each other. They sang and made me smile on the drive to and from. I sang and made them cringe :) They swam with friends. We swam together. We had a bbq with the team. We watched a movie together. Oh alright, we started to watch a movie together. They lasted through the whole thing. I didn't. They played with their friends on the beach at South Padre. They laughed at me when I sat in the water for two hours looking for shells.
I am blessed. I am praying for many more good times with my boys. Thank YOU for answering my prayers. I am super blessed. What a birthday!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sean is 18

Sean is "18" today. That is not hard for me to say. Just hard for me to let him go. I know he still needs me to help guide him through this thing we call life. However, he believes he "knows it all" and is ready for the world. How do those two worlds learn to live together? I know that God has great plans for him. I know I need to keep releasing him.

One day this will all be a memory. For now, though, it is hard.

Thank you Father that I can release Sean to you. I know he is safe in Your arms. Hold him tight Father. Bless him real good.

I love you Sean! I know you have a great future ahead of you. Just don't forget your momma!

Monday, May 18, 2009

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

Ok, I just came on here for a little bit to check my facebook page and my page on Homeschool Lounge. I felt so much stirring inside me and thought about blogging. Then I decided it was too late and I would wait til another day. Wait, isn't that what I always say?

Well...I was reading things on my Homeschool Lounge nook and saw the link to this site. Read my last post and just felt free all over again. Then I saw that someone had posted a comment. It was a friend who told me she was here for me, willing to help me along in this adventure. Reminding me that it hasn't always been easy for us in this game called life. God has grown us so much through our trials.

It just touched me that she is willing to help. Willing to be there for me. God knows that I need that. He knows that I will get stuck at times and I need someone to walk through the trenches with me.

Thank you Father for friends who are real. Friends who share their stories to encourage me. Friends who are willing to be that "human touch" when I need it.

And thanks to that special someone who blessed me tonight. I am so full of emotion right now. God is going to free me of this. HE is going to be glorified in this. And........HE will use this mess to bless someone else. And you, my friend, are going to be blessed for being ya sis.