Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sean is 18

Sean is "18" today. That is not hard for me to say. Just hard for me to let him go. I know he still needs me to help guide him through this thing we call life. However, he believes he "knows it all" and is ready for the world. How do those two worlds learn to live together? I know that God has great plans for him. I know I need to keep releasing him.

One day this will all be a memory. For now, though, it is hard.

Thank you Father that I can release Sean to you. I know he is safe in Your arms. Hold him tight Father. Bless him real good.

I love you Sean! I know you have a great future ahead of you. Just don't forget your momma!

Monday, May 18, 2009

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

Ok, I just came on here for a little bit to check my facebook page and my page on Homeschool Lounge. I felt so much stirring inside me and thought about blogging. Then I decided it was too late and I would wait til another day. Wait, isn't that what I always say?

Well...I was reading things on my Homeschool Lounge nook and saw the link to this site. Read my last post and just felt free all over again. Then I saw that someone had posted a comment. It was a friend who told me she was here for me, willing to help me along in this adventure. Reminding me that it hasn't always been easy for us in this game called life. God has grown us so much through our trials.

It just touched me that she is willing to help. Willing to be there for me. God knows that I need that. He knows that I will get stuck at times and I need someone to walk through the trenches with me.

Thank you Father for friends who are real. Friends who share their stories to encourage me. Friends who are willing to be that "human touch" when I need it.

And thanks to that special someone who blessed me tonight. I am so full of emotion right now. God is going to free me of this. HE is going to be glorified in this. And........HE will use this mess to bless someone else. And you, my friend, are going to be blessed for being ya sis.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

He's Growing Up!

He is growing up! Sean will be eighteen one month from today. Oh my how life happens when we are planning. I am excited to see what God does in his life. Keep praying for my boy. You bless me Sean!

Eviction Notice

Today is the day! I am not going to let CHAOS rule my life. I have let it control me too long.

Today I was blessed to hear the "Fly Lady" speak at a luncheon. I found out about her several years ago through a ladies group we used to have at Paulann. While others started using her suggestions right away, I felt fear. This thing was too big for me and it was overwhelming. So I kept fearing and the CHAOS grew. People offered to come show me how they were using Fly Lady and help me get started. Others offered to just clean my house so I could start anew. I rejected all that because of fear of judgement and rejection.

So now I sit here today with a mess. After seeing Fly Lady and hearing her speak once again, something went off in my head. Just do it! God has brought to an amazing point in my life but I am still hold onto this junk. NO MORE! Today, May 14th, at 11:33, I am sending an eviction notice. CHAOS is not living here rent free! It has got to go!

So if you can, pray for me as I embark on this journey. Ask me how I am doing? And if you are brave enough, stop by and bring a shovel.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Ok, I started something on facebook tonight. Why do we leave others out and show favoritism to some? Why? This is what I posted:

The Bible speaks against favoritism, and yet we see it among Christians all the time. Why??? James 2:8 & 9.."Yes indeed, it is good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures: Love your neighbor as yourself." (9) But if you favor some people over others, you are committing a sin. You are guilty of breaking the law."

Someone said they were referring to the rich and poor. This is how I see it. We are all made in HIS image so we are all equal. And HE says over and over "Love Your Neighbor." Is it love when we treat our friends better than others? Is it love when you leave people out? I don't think so.

Just remember where Jesus went when He was here. He didn't hang out with the rich or the popular. He was at the well. So yeah, I have torn up my application to the "country club" and I have decided....when Jesus comes back I don't want to be at the country club, I want to be at the "well". Yeah...cuz that is is where I think HE will go first. that is it for the night. Thank you Father for speaking to my heart. Amen

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sean's Prom

My oldest son, Sean went to his Senior Prom tonight. Wow! He is all grown up. Where has the time gone? It seems just the other day he was wearing cowboy boots with his shorts. I am so proud of him.

One thing God has taught me is that HE has great plans for Sean. I have tried to do for Sean all his life. And that is all fine and good. But I can make all the plans I want. God is going to direct his steps. Jer. 29:11 is huge for me right now. God knows the plans HE has for Sean. Plans to prosper him and not to harm him. Plans to give him a hope and a future.. My plans can't compare with HIS. So God is showing me how to release Sean to HIM and trust HIM. And it is good. It feels right.

Thank you Father for your promises. And thank you that You keep everyone of your promises. I can't wait to see what you do in Sean's life.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kids are growing fast!

Happy 13th Birthday Niklas! Happy 9th Birthday Connor (Jan. 12th). My boys are growing up. I guess the biggest thing is I never thought I would have 3 teenagers under my roof at the same time. Wow!

We all went out today with my mother-in-law and had lunch. She is moving here soon. My boys will enjoy that. They have never had any grandparents close. This is only the second time she has got to celebrate their birthdays with them.

I can't wait to see how it all works out. She will be moving here in the next couple months. This ought to be a blessed year for the boys and for her too.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

God uses all of us.....Some of us He just needs to dust off first!!

I am so glad I have a Father who loves me just they way I am. Praise Him!